YouTube is the second most visited and watched website, and as per recent statistics, it shows that around 5 million views are recorded on a daily basis.
It is a crowded online place indeed that attracted many YouTubers to grow and have their YouTube channel their new way of earnings.
YouTubers are just like bloggers and influencers, earning money from making and publishing videos on YouTube and at the same time, looking to grow their subscribers as much as they can.
Similar to other social media platforms, subscribers help you as a YouTuber to reach more audience, have more views and open new doors for you whether as an individual or a small business owner to profit.
Here, we will talk about how can you monetize from a YouTube channel. Though there are money different ways to earn from YouTube, we will talk about the YouTube Partner Program in more detail since it is the official program provided by YouTube itself to help users gain more money from YouTube, and we will refer to other ways at the end of the article.
What are The Conditions for Make Money From YouTube?
One of the most popular ways to make money from YouTube is the YouTube Partner Program. As the name suggests, it is a partnership program between YouTube users, such as YouTubers for example, and YouTube. As per this partnership, the YouTuber is obliged to share content in his/her videos and accept to include advertisements either before the start of the video or while it is running.
Upon this agreement, the profit from the advertisement is shared between YouTube and the YouTuber or user.
However, YouTube requires certain conditions to be qualified for this program. To be precise, there are two main conditions YouTube takes into consideration to approve any user to be their partner.
These two conditions are;
- The 1000 Subscriber Condition
- The 4000 Watched Hour Condition
We will discuss these in detail in the coming paragraphs.
Let us say that you have fulfilled the above conditions, and you would like to raise a request to be a partner. How do you do this?
It is an easy, straightforward process. You need to do the following;
- Log in to your YouTube channel
- Go to YouTube Studio by clicking on the Icon of your profile that is at your top right side.
- Once at your studio, in the left-side corner, click on earn.
- Read and agree to the terms and conditions of YPP (YouTube Partner Program)
- Create an AdSense Google account, or connect an existing one, if any, to the channel.
- Choose your monetization preferences.
By doing so, you have already registered for the YPP, but you can do additional steps by clicking on the analytics icon on the left side of the page, and selecting the revenue form. If you wish to get an estimated idea of the profit, you may go to Monthly Estimated Revenue.
Now, let us talk about how would you fulfil the conditions to be eligible for YPP.

How Can You Reach 1000 Subscribers?
The first condition required to join YPP is having 1000 subscribers. The reason YouTube requires this condition is to make sure that your content would be viewed by a large number, hence the advertisement/s that would be shown within your video would get the same views.
This guarantees more clicks to the advertisements, probably generating sales, visitors, subscribers, etc to the advertised company. Therefore, YouTube would receive profits to share with the YouTuber or their partner.
Having 1000 as a limit is good enough to generate possible profit.
So, as a YouTube user who is planning to register for the YouTube Partner Program, how would you be able to get 1000 subscribers as a minimum?
Create Original and Up-to-Date Content
The first question that should come to your mind while planning to grow your YouTube subscribers, or any social media followers, is what would you present to attract more people and make them tuned to watch upcoming videos.
Your main focus must be your content. You should define your target audience by thinking about what you know the most, what area, subject, topics and field you can provide astonishing whether being it informative or entertaining content.
Keep yourself up to date with current trends, and see what people are listening to or watching to create similar content, or perhaps the same content in a different way.
One important point you need always to keep in mind while creating your content is to make it unique. Add your signature to a trendy topic for example. So that people, will have a reason to pick you from other thousands of YouTubers talking about the same topic.
Uniqueness, originality and trending are the most three factors to consider while creating your content to get 1000 subscribers or even more!
Also, you should never ignore SEO elements while creating your video. So, keep yourself up to date with YouTube algorithms and optimization to ensure that your video appears on top search lists whether on YouTube itself or as a result on any search engine like Google for example.
One of the most important points that serves SEO is your YouTube title. You need to pick a title that has catchy words and at the same time matches SEO requirements.
For example, current SEO-optimized titles usually titles that include numbers, and how-to videos.
Buy YouTube Subscribers!
Buying YouTube Subscribers might be the easiest way to achieve a quick and large YouTube subscriber base. But you should be cautious while choosing from which website or service provider to buy 1000 YouTube subscribers from.
Probably, you have heard about hundreds of websites offering such services, but not all are trustworthy to buy from.

How Can You Reach 4000 Hours Watch?
Before answering this question, we should understand what we mean by watch time. YouTube has a watch time for each video, and the way it counts the watch time is cumulative. So, when we say 4000 hours watch time, we mean a cumulative watch time of 12 consecutive months.
But how will you know your channel’s watch hours?
It is important to know your channel’s watch hours, to know where you stand before considering joining YPP. According to your current watch hours, you will set up your plans and define a strategy to get more watch hours.
In order to find out how many watch hours your channel made so far, you need to go to YouTube Studio and click on Earn in the left sidebar. Then, you need to scroll down on the Partner Program and check the How to Become a Partner section. There you will see your public watch hours.
It is worth mentioning here that in order to be considered for YPP or any other program to earn money from on YouTube, your channel has to be public, not private.
Now, after you know your public watching hours, you need to explore the available options to extend your watching hours to reach 4000 hours.
Focus on Creating Long and Quality Content
If you want to reach 4000 watching hours, you need to consider good topics that can be talked about for at least 30 minutes per video, if your YouTube schedule is publishing 3 videos a week or more to get the required hours.
However, long videos mean more effort needs to be put into keeping your audience engaged and watching your videos till the end.
There are a few tips to consider while creating long videos to make them engaging and worth watching.
Catchy Titles
It all begins from the start. So, pick a catchy title that makes people curious to click on the video to watch.
Create Story-Narrative Videos
If you ask yourself what people spend their most time on YouTube watching, movies and series would occupy the top options. That is because storytelling motivates people to keep watching and gets them engaged.
So, try to make your video as interesting as reading a book, or watching a movie.
Start Well
The secret lies in the first few seconds of the video. So, create a hook to capture your viewer’s interest and keep them watching.
For example, you may say something like, ‘Did you know that you have been lied to your entire life’!
Create Content with a More Human Touch
What we mean here is to try to involve emotions in the content or the topic you choose as much as you can. Talking about certain emotions that most people feel, makes your video closer to them. As it explains what they feel but perhaps unable to express it well.
So, try to use emotional triggers to create your content. These emotional triggers may be evoking nostalgia, curiosity, fear, and anger among other strong emotions.
Avoid One-Sitting Video
If you create an hour video displaying the same sittings, where the host is on a couch talking, or over a desk, it will for sure create boredom, thus, causing your viewers to leave.
Instead, think of a relaxing, cozy and comfortable to the eye sitting, and make it changeable. You may, for example, start the video in living room settings, and then move outside to the garden.
Other changing patterns might be displaying other videos within yours, or scenes that explain what you are talking about.
There are also other techniques, such as changing;
• Camera Angles.
• Music, or sound effects
• Graphics or images
• Texts
Buy YouTube Watch Hours!
Luckily, we have the option to buy watch hours from certain websites that provide YouTube or social media services.
YouTube is one of the largest video viewing platforms hosting tens of millions of users around the world. However, in some cases, you may want to dele...
YouTube is a very large medium that attracts tens of millions of people all over the world. As such, YouTube started to take things more seriously and...
Similar to buying 1000 subscribers in YouTube, you must use a reputable and trusted service provider to avoid any rule violation or credibility loss.
There are many websites that are trustworthy and offer excellent service. Buying YouTube Watch hours form a well-known service provider, save a lot of time and effort.
Other Ways to Earn Income from YouTube
There are other ways to earn income from YouTube that may require less strict conditions. Fan funding, affiliate programs, and media-licensed content are a few examples of other ways to monetize your YouTube channel. But, have you heard of videos with sponsor brands?
Ok, let us talk about it in further detail.
Videos with Sponsor Brand
Sponsor brand video is an advertisement solution by companies to help them adversities their products that are on Amazon store to a wider audience.
In simpler words, YouTubers are required to advertise and promote the sponsor’s products in their videos.
Then, YouTubers earn from how many viewers bought or visited the product from your video.
Final Thoughts
Being a YouTuber may be a second if not a prime income for you if you know how to create useful and interesting content to gain 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours. Well thats all. We hope you have learned how to make money from YouTube thanks to this guide article.
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